which to request HTTP or HTTPS

2024-04-20 11:04

Whether you are an eCommerce or a retail business with a website, the HTTP vs. HTTPS debate is a basic discussion when planning site security. Website security is crucial for any business with a large volume of data that users share with every interaction. For example, Statista says every transaction has 3 units sold for the eCommerce websites.

Similarly, several transactions happen that require users to share their financial data. As a business, you need to ensure financial user data is secure. While it is necessary for improved customer trust, businesses also secure data to ensure compliance with data regulations like PCI DSS and GDPR. But does migration from HTTP protocol to HTTPS for your website ensure security?

This article will help you understand the difference between HTTP vs. HTTPS and help you choose the best security protocol to ensure data protection.


HTTPS is the use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) as a sublayer under regular HTTP application layering. HTTPS encrypts and decrypts user HTTP page requests as well as the pages that are returned by the web server. It also protects against eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks. HTTPS was developed by Netscape. Migrating from HTTP to HTTPS is considered beneficial, as it offers an added layer of security and trust.

What Are the Benefits of Using HTTPS on a Website?

Implementing HTTPS on a website is essential for safeguarding user data, maintaining credibility, and complying with modern security and privacy standards.

Data Security

HTTPS protects sensitive data such as login details, payment details, and personal information from eavesdropping and tampering by malicious third parties. By encrypting the data transferred between the website and the user’s browser, HTTPS ensures that this information remains secure and private.

Trust and Credibility

Websites that use HTTPS display a padlock icon in the browser’s address bar. This can help enhance the website’s trustworthiness and assure visitors that their interactions with the site are safe and private.

SEO and Search Ranking

Search engines like Google prioritize HTTPS websites, as it is considered a ranking factor. This means that implementing HTTPS on your website can potentially improve its visibility and ranking in search results, which can be beneficial for your online presence.

Compliance and Data Integrity

HTTPS is essential for compliance with data protection regulations, as it provides a secure connection between the website and browser, ensuring that sensitive information is protected from unauthorized access. implementing HTTPS, websites can maintain the integrity and privacy of user data, and comply with modern security and privacy standards.

Referral Data

When traffic comes to a website from another site using HTTP, the referral information gets stripped away. However, this referral information is preserved with HTTPS, providing valuable data for website analytics and traffic tracking.

How to Migrate from HTTP to HTTPS?

Migration from HTTP to HTTPS requires many prerequisites. For example a basic element that you need to migrate the website from HTTP to HTTPS is SSL certificate.

Here are steps that you need to migrate from HTTP to HTTPS:

1. Buy an SSL Certificate

Buy SSL certificate from a reputable and trusted SSL certificate provider ClickSSL. When choosing an SSL certificate, make sure it meets your website’s specific needs, such as Wildcard SSL certificate or multi domain SSL certificate for e-commerce and e-learning websites.

The SSL certificate will be used to enable HTTPS on your website, which will encrypt the data being transferred between your website and the user’s browser, ensuring the security and integrity of sensitive information.

2. Check Compatibility

Confirming that all external features and dependencies on your website can function properly with HTTPS, including social networks, embedded content, and JavaScript is important before migrating from HTTP to HTTPS.

This is because some external resources may not be compatible with HTTPS, which can cause issues with your website’s functionality. It is recommended to check and test all external features and dependencies before enabling HTTPS to ensure a smooth transition.

3. Prepare for Migration

When migrating from HTTP to HTTPS, it is important to evaluate the size of your website and plan the migration accordingly. One important consideration is to enable HTTPS without disabling HTTP. This will ensure that users can still access your website via HTTP while you work on migrating it to HTTPS.

Another important aspect is to use canonical tags to avoid duplicate content. This will help ensure that search engines do not penalize your website for having multiple versions of the same content. You may want to avoid peak traffic times to minimize any potential disruptions to your users while migrating from HTTP to HTTPS.

4. Enable HTTPS

Install and configure the SSL certificate to enable HTTPS on your website. Test the SSL implementation to ensure proper functionality. Further update internal links and features to use HTTPS, optimizing the website’s architecture and improving loading times. Test the SSL certificate’s implementation to identify and address any necessary adjustments.

5. Add HTTPS Version to Google Search Console

You can makе surе that thе wеbsitе is corrеctly indеxеd an’ trackеd aftеr migrating from HTTP to HTTPS. It is important to add and vеrify thе HTTPS vеrsion of your wеbsitе in Googlе Sеarch Consolе. This will allow you to monitor your wеbsitе’s pеrformancе and’ track any issuеs that may arisе durin’ thе transition.

Oncе you havе addеd and’ vеrifiеd thе HTTPS vеrsion of your wеbsitе and you should crеatе an XML Sitеmap for thе nеw HTTPS URLs. It is also rеcommеndеd that you kееp both HTTP and HTTPS Sitеmaps in thе Sеarch Consolе for tracking and indеxing purposеs. It allows you to monitor any changеs in your wеbsitе’s pеrformancе and еnsurе that all of your pagеs arе propеrly indеxеd an’ trackеd by sеarch еnginеs.

By following thеsе stеps and you can еnsurе a smooth and succеssful migration from HTTP to HTTPS and whilе maintainin’ thе intеgrity an’ sеcurity of your wеbsitе’s data.

HTTP vs. HTTPS: Which Should We Use?

HTTP and HTTPS are fundamental protocols that facilitate communication between web servers and browsers. While HTTP is the foundation of data communication on the World Wide Web, HTTPS offers a more secure alternative by encrypting transmitted data using SSL/TLS encryption.

When you compare HTTP vs. HTTPS, security should be a top priority. For websites that handle sensitive information, HTTPS is the recommended choice because it enhances data protection, user trust, establishes credibility, and improves search engine optimization (SEO), making it the preferred choice for modern websites.

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